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Whether you're a multi-brand conglomerate or a pioneer fashion business, using today's popular online marketplaces to engage with customers and tap into new revenue streams has benefited sellers all over the world.

We can provide a comprehensive solution to match your objectives, whether this is your first foray into eCommerce or the next step in a robust omni-channel strategy.

Amazon Seller Management Overview

Amazon is an effective core channel for both established and emerging brands to drive sales revenue, gain market share, and improve brand awareness, with over 200 million monthly visitors and counting.


We focus on offering a flawless online shopping experience that fosters better customer engagement and long-term sales growth with a full range of managed services.


Our team of Vendor and Seller consultants offer a unique insider's perspective to help brands get the most out of their digital presence, drawing on years of retail expertise at Amazon.

Global Service Scope

Whether you're using Amazon Seller Central or Amazon Vendor Central, you can be assured that your Amazon business is in capable hands. You can rely on our skilled Managers and Analysts to help you get the most out of your Amazon listings in any of the markets below.


Amazon Spain Amazon Italy 

Amazon France

Amazon Germany


Amazon India

Amazon Japan 

Amazon China

Amazon Australia

Amazon United States Amazon Canada   

Amazon Mexico

North America

Amazon Account Management Solutions

Sales Strategy and Reporting

Every businesses require a road map to help them on their journey to sales success. Account managers develop integrated sales strategies to differentiate offers and position products for success across a diverse set of markets, customer segments, and categories on Amazon based on careful consideration of your sales and brand goals, as well as an objective review of pricing and market conditions.


Services Include:

  • Sales & Pricing Strategy

  • Seasonal Sales Forecasting

  • Holiday Sales Forecasting

  • Price Tracking & Repricing Management

  • Promotions Planning & Management

  • Sales Reporting & Analysis

Site Merchandising

Brands must do far more than simply list their products on their websites. To encourage customers to buy, they must answer product-related questions before they are asked, give visually exciting pictures, and communicate with them extensively. Our eCommerce professionals creatively explain the value propositions of your products to connect with customers and boost sales by analyzing market trends, brand positioning, and page optimization benchmarks.


Services Include:

  • Merchandising Strategy

  • Category & Product Assortment Strategy

  • ASIN Organization & ASIN Family Linking

  • Detail Page Creation & Optimization

  • Amazon A+ Content Design & Management

  • Amazon Storefront Wireframing & Design

  • Merchandising Calendar Management

  • Marketing Process Alignment

Digital Marketing and Advertising

It's difficult to effectively drive sales. To achieve favorable results, you'll need relevant keywords, data-driven copywriting, optimized graphics, and an engaged customer audience. Our marketers create personalized plans to boost product visibility, raise brand awareness, and generate demand wherever your customers are located in order to position your brand and products for success.


Services Include:

  • Digital Marketing & Advertising Strategy

  • Brand Strategy Alignment

  • Amazon Storefront Management & Reporting

  • Budget Creation & Management

  • Amazon Advertising Campaign Creation

  • Sponsored Ad (PPC) Management & Reporting

  • Demand-Side Platform (DSP) Management & Reporting

  • Amazon Advertising Campaign Optimization

  • Amazon Vine Strategy & Management

  • Amazon Early Reviewer Strategy & Management

  • Post-Purchase Email Management & Reporting

Inventory Management

Knowing what you have, where it's stocked, and how much you'll need to fulfill future customer demands is the key to effective inventory management. Our account managers create predictions and custom tools based on tried-and-true inventory management best practices to ensure that you are always well-positioned to respond to demand variations and avoid costly stock-outs.Our managers help you enhance supply efficiency by exploiting time-phased demand signals to free up precious working capital that would otherwise be stranded in inventory.


Services Include:

  • Demand Planning Forecasts

  • Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) Replenishment Planning

  • Merchant Fulfilled Network (MFN) Planning

  • Amazon Product Order Forecasting

  • Born to Run Program Management

  • Direct Fulfillment Management

  • Amazon Supply Shipment Monitoring

Get Started Today with Data Spectors

Let's get started on growing your eCommerce business right now! Contact Data Spectors when you're ready to take your business to the next level with a partner who works harder so you don't have to. We've got your back, thanks to our extensive years of eCommerce experience.

Data Spectors can help you build out your new eCommerce Store, evaluate and improve your existing store, or keep up with the increased demand and customer service requirements that come with a growing business.

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